Our Classes Help Kids Make Good and Healthy Choices!

For kids 7-12 years old, we want your child to learn martial arts in a safe and safe and secure atmosphere that celebrates the uniqueness of every child. As your junior becomes more exposed to life outside, our classes will guide them as they: 

  • Differentiate between what is good and bad 
  • Practice respect towards others regardless of background or age 
  • Learn to practice self-respect and respect towards elders
  • Choose good behavior and master self-control 

Bullyproof Your Child Through Our Classes!

We aim for children between the ages of 7-12 years old to thrive physically, mentally, and emotionally. Here, they will learn the basics of martial arts and how to use them to their benefit. In addition, our physical fitness activities and workouts will significantly help kids to:

  • Improve their school grades and performance 
  • Make them more respectful and mindful of their decisions
  • Know how to detect stranger danger and defend themselves
  • Be good role models to their fellow peers